Botulinum Toxin Training Club by Dr Harry Singh
Since we offer training in both these procedures, a commonly raised question by our delegates is, “when should I use Sunekos and when should I use tear trough filler?” And the answer is easier than you may think.
Sunekos is a skin booster which will improve the skin complexion, fine lines and wrinkles and brighten certain areas of the face. So when a patient has dark circles and/or very fine lines around the eyes, then a skin booster will be the treatment of choice we’d recommend.
On the other side, tear trough filler will add volume to the area. So, if the patient has volume loss and hollowness in the tear trough region, then this treatment would be best suited for their desired result.
In some cases, it can be difficult to determine which treatment would achieve the best results for your patient. At BTC, our protocol would be:
If there is hollowness and bone loss – treat with tear trough filler to restore this lost volume and review in 2 weeks.
If there are dark circles and fine lines/wrinkles – I would proceed to treat with skin boosters such as Sunekos.
To book onto our Sunekos course, click here.
To book into our Tear Trough Filler course, click here.
Or, click here to view our full range of workshops.
Call 07711 731173 or email [email protected] for more information on why you should choose BTC to help you achieve a successful aesthetic business.
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