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Botulinum Toxin Training Club by Dr Harry Singh

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Boom Of The Bro-Tox: Men And Botulinum Toxin Injection Therapies

From eliminating wrinkles to avoiding excessive sweat, Botulinum Toxin offers many benefits women yearn for. This cosmetic procedure, however, appeals not only to the ladies, but also to men. Statistics show that around 10% of the total number of British people who undergo the treatment are male.

The Rise of the Bro-tox

The primary motivation for men to get Botulinum Toxin injection treatments is to appear youthful, especially at work where they are more likely to experience age discrimination. Men think of the procedure as a way to freeze time and defy aging effectively.

A survey from RightClinic.com, an online clinic directory, shows that most male patients are between 35-45 years old. Most are also recent divorcees and are trying their luck at finding love once again.

The authors of the survey further add that men who live in the city are more likely to get Botulinum Toxin. The most number of Bro-tox treatments come from Edinburgh, Manchester, and London.

Demand for Expertly Trained Professionals

For years, the facial aesthetics industry has seen a positive growth, with a steady demand for cosmetic services. As more people, men and women, seek Botulinum Toxin injection therapies, the demand for professionals who administer such procedures is likely to increase. This entails a rewarding career for those who are entering the industry.

But like other professions, Botulinum Toxin specialists require quality training. In fact, training courses are more necessary for people who choose a career in the cosmetics industry, as the job requires a higher level of skills and knowledge than any other profession to ensure the safety and good health of patients.

When it comes to these requirements, we can surely help. We offer workshops that will equip you to administer treatments for different cosmetic problems, like forehead frowns, crow’s feet, etc. We also provide support after you complete the training courses, supplying resources, such as video demos, facial aesthetics articles, and of course, professional advice.

Other than the training for the actual treatment, our courses also include equipping you to handle the business side of the facial aesthetics practice. It is our ultimate desire to help you maximise returns on investment.

The rise of Bro-tox treatments provides an opportunity for you to have a rewarding career and grow your facial aesthetics business. Work with us and we will help you achieve your professional goals.

Call 07711 731173 or email [email protected] for more information on why you should choose BTC to help you achieve a successful aesthetic business.

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