Botulinum Toxin Training Club by Dr Harry Singh
Searching for success in both your business and personal life? Then let us introduce you to the three Ms which make up the Tripod of Success.
To truly attain success, if anything you attempt, you need to have the right Mindset, heaps of Motivation and finally the correct belief around Money. These three Ms each represent a leg of the tripod – have one leg longer than the other, one shorter, or even one missing, and your Tripod of Success will become unbalanced and will topple over to failure.
If you want to learn how to get your tripod legs in sync so you have the best mindset, motivation and understanding of money to make a success in your facial aesthetic business, then join us at our BTC Mindset, Motivation and Money Workshop on Sunday 6th October 2019.
Learn how to control your mind, rather than letting your mind control you. Understand how and why you make certain decisions, the consequences of those decisions and how to control your mind so that you make the right choices in any given situation. Having the right knowledge and the right attitude is an unbeatable combination. If you can’t believe that you will be successful in your aesthetic business, then you won’t be, and this attitude will mean that you miss these great opportunities. We’ll teach you how to how to get the right Mindset using the T.E.A.R. formula – Thoughts, Emotions, Action and Results.
With the correct mindset in place, you can be sure to keep motivated and on track with your business aims and goals. Motivation is a daily requirement, but it’s easy to lose that focus, so you end up simply reacting to each day, rather than proactively being motivated to push your business forward. For some the biggest motivator is thinking about what they could have done or achieved if they’d been more motivated. None of us like to miss out on anything in life, so keeping motivated to succeed so we don’t miss out, can be motivation enough. We’ll teach you how simple things like vision boards can make a real difference to keeping you motivated and your business on the road to success.
Many people regard Money as a dirty word, something which rules our lives, with many of us working far too hard with very little financial gain to show for it at the end of the day. You may be a high achiever, but you’re may not be able to transfer this into achieving your potential financially, which will give you the lifestyle that you desire, or the opportunity to retire when and how you’d like to. Those individuals with the right mindset and motivation need to also understand the importance of money in order to achieve success. Learning how adding value can bring in more money will be a key teaching on this workshop.
If you truly want to achieve success in your facial aesthetic business, allowing you to move into full-time practice with the lifestyle you desire, working the hours that you want, then you really need to learn how to master Mindset, Motivation and Money.
Join us on Sunday 6th October for this not-to-be-missed workshop. For only £97 (inc. VAT) you can become the master of your own success. Places are limited, and this workshop is certain to be oversubscribed.
Call Joe on 0800 047 2038.