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Botulinum Toxin Training Club by Dr Harry Singh

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How To Increase Referrals Within Your Facial Aesthetics Business.

1. How to increase referrals within your facial aesthetics business.

‘Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends’.

Walt Disney, The Walt Disney Company

Once we’ve attracted new patients for facial aesthetics, we want to maximise our return on investment. Therefore, we want to ensure our patients refer their family and friends, and also they themselves become regular clients. By growing your facial aesthetics business via referrals and retention, it’s the cheapest and quickest way to appease your patient numbers.

I used to think that facial aesthetic patients would not tell their family and friends about their treatment, so early on in my career, I did not bother asking them for referrals. Then I challenged my limiting belief, and devised a set of systems to encourage our patients to refer their family and friends. I was amazed at the response and growth in face aesthetic patients.

There’s a simple rule I live by that will encourage referrals from your existing patients.
Rule 1 – if you deliver what the patients expect, they will return as a regular patient.
Rule 2 – if you deliver less than what the patient expects, they will go somewhere else.
Rule 3 – if you deliver more than what the patient expects, they will return, and tell their family and friends about your service.

Has anyone tried to do a jigsaw puzzle without looking at the picture first, or has any man bought something from Ikea and tried to assemble it without looking at the instructions? It’s difficult, isn’t it? So, why are so many practices unhappy with the quality and quantity of referrals when they don’t have a final picture of what they want to achieve, and don’t have instructions and systems for themselves and their team to follow regarding referrals?

I have to admit I got it wrong in the beginning, as I mentioned. However, the problem was not with them. It was with me. It was my mindset. Once we sat down with the team and devised a repeatable referral system that delivered results, we believed in it. To that time, I kick myself for all the wasted opportunities I’ve let go because of my own limiting belief.

Before we looked at a systemised new referral process, it goes without saying that you need to have excellent clinical skills in facial aesthetics as a starting point. You need to deliver the “wow” service, achieve exceptional results and leave the patient in a better place than they started from. All of this combined with culture and environment will come as referrals.

As mentioned above, you need to exceed the patient’s expectation and we do this in a number of ways.
– free post kit. This needs to be obtained from the manufacturer that costs us nothing and is given to every patient after any procedures they have. They love getting stuff for free and you can also cross-sell your skin range at the same time.
– free minimal makeup session after treatment. Similar to above, these patients are concerned with their appearance, so why not do a mini-makeover with your minimal makeup? They’re not expecting this and you never know. They may want to purchase some of your minimal makeup range.
– free neck and shoulder massage. My assistant, is a qualified beautician, so once I’m preparing the toxin or filler, she will give the patient a free, two-minute massage.
– a three-month guarantee. With all our toxin patients, we offer a three-month guarantee from the day of their treatment. If they feel they need a top-up within three months, it’ll be free of charge. You will get a tiny minority that may abuse the system, but this is counterbalanced by the patients that appreciate the safety net and tell their friends about this.
– mates rates. We normally charge £250 for 3 areas. We will reduce this to £200 per person if they bring two friends with them to have it done at the same time. You’ll be amazed on who our patients try to encourage to come, so they can save £50.

Much more of this is covered in my clinical workshops.

2. Free webinar from the BTC – ‘Dermal Fillers’ – https://dentalpropertyclub.leadpages.net/webinar-dermal-fillers/

Thursday 26th March at 8.30pm – https://dentalpropertyclub.leadpages.net/webinar-dermal-fillers/
3. To book and see availability of the accredited clinical hands on workshops please visit www.botulinumtoxinclub.co.uk

As well as covering the clinical aspect, I spend time concentrating on the marketing and promotion of facial aesthetics within your practice. This is where most practitioners struggle. I cover the marketing strategies that have given me a turnover of at lest £10,000 per month from facial aesthetics.

Call 07711 731173 or email [email protected] for more information on why you should choose BTC to help you achieve a successful aesthetic business.

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