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Botulinium Toxin Club
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Botulinum Toxin Training Club by Dr Harry Singh

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Christmas Has Come Early


Christmas has come early.

I’m giving away a few early gifts for the festive season.

The first is an updated video on Getting Started In Facial Aesthetics, which can be downloaded for free at https://www.dropbox.com/s/h78mxwm63ep5wjv/Getting%20Started%20In%20Facial%20Aesthetics%2029-10-2015%2C%2020.30%20copy%202.mp4?dl=0

The second is a massive discount (only available until 25 December 2015) on any of my clinical workshops in 2016.
Save £200 on any workshop taken in 2016 but booked before 25.12.15.

Details about the workshop dates and availability can be found here – http://www.botulinumtoxinclub.co.uk/workshops

If you are interested in taking up this offer and saving £200, please email me back before 25.12.15 with the date and course you are interested in.

*** offer ends on 25.12.15***

Call 07711 731173 or email [email protected] for more information on why you should choose BTC to help you achieve a successful aesthetic business.

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